

拉丁裔社区参与教育(捆扎) directly increases opportunities for traditionally underrepresented 学生, 为他们在高等教育中取得成功做好准备. By strengthening existing partnerships and creating new coalitions among Hispanic-serving institutions, K-12学区, 社区, 和企业, 捆扎 fosters a supportive network committed to elevating opportunities for underserved 学生. We empower 社区 to fight for social justice, education access, and equity across the state.

You'll receive invaluable resources through 捆扎 and 海伦西亚拉丁中心, 比如同伴指导, 学术支持, 以及大学和财务指导. 我们也会提供毕业援助, 参与文化教育项目和研讨会的机会, 参加学生组织, 并接受领导力培训. 你还可以获得实习机会, 服务学习项目, 以及社区活动, which are all part of our commitment to enriching your educational journey.


The 捆扎 Ambassador Program is a talented group of 学生 who gain valuable volunteer and leadership experience that transform 社区. 职位有限. 每个学生都必须经过申请和选拔过程. Student Ambassadors are current SJC 学生 selected based on leadership, 奖学金, professionalism and desire to promote education and the well being of their community. 大使秉持的理念, mission and goals of 捆扎 and 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 through personal example and Servant 领导. 大使们共同努力丰富, advance and promote education and success within the Hispanic / Latino community. 


  • Must be enrolled in 6 or more credit hours per semester and stay enrolled throughout the semester
  • 必须拥有并保持2.50 GPA或更高(GED 480)
  • 双语(西班牙语/英语)-优先考虑
  • Practice and uphold professionalism including responsibility, dependability and punctuality
  • Sincere desire to represent SJC, 捆扎 and the Herencia Latina center as a Student Ambassador
  • 熟悉微软应用软件:Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • 可靠的运输-优先


  • Provide service learning hours with 捆扎/Herencia Latina Programs by completing a minimum of 3 mandatory events each semester
  • 与学校各部门合作
  • Identify and attend professional/educational training/conference/symposium/seminar
  • 每学期初参加一次大使培训
  • Mentor high school 学生, work with parents, and conduct presentations in Spanish/English
  • 计划、设计和执行项目和活动
  • Must represent 捆扎/Herencia Latina center and 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 with professionalism at all times
  • 与导师会面, coach or 捆扎 staff at prescribed intervals to assure your academic and personal success!
  • 保持最少2个.每学期50 GPA.
  • 能够举起和携带至少20磅的重物.
  • Ambassadors are responsible for notifying 捆扎 staff if they are unable to make their scheduled event (within 24-hours of event start-time). 如果错过了一个活动,大使必须找人代替. 
  • One unexcused absence from assigned event or monthly meeting will result in your termination from the Student Ambassador program and all funding will have to be refunded to 捆扎
  • All responsibilities are required, as stated above, to receive stipend and other program incentives


  • 校园,地区和国家认可
  • 领导力培训与发展
  • Gain experience for resume and opportunity for letters of recommendation
  • Exposure to various regional and state involvement opportunities and conferences
  • 建立专业和个人联系
  • Be a part of fun and exciting events on campus and 捆扎/Herencia Latina centers
  • 每学期学费津贴.


  • 真诚希望代表捆扎活动和太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站
  • 与拉丁裔社区合作的热情
  • 能自如地与一大群人相处并做演讲
  • 能够很好地与他人合作
  • 责任和可靠性
  • 渴望学习和发展上述技能


捆扎新墨西哥校区的核心是我们的学生和家庭. They form the foundation of our visions, passion, work, core values and future. 捆扎’s family center initiative is based on the concept that student achievement improves when there is emotional and 学术支持 from families and by integrating social and culture in their academic life.

The participants that are part of Parent Empowerment are Latino parents and 学生 that want to learn and be on track about completing all requirements during high school for graduation and preparation for college. Parent network takes place once a month starting every fall semester all the way to the end of the school year. During this event, various guest speakers are invited depending on the topics presented that month.

Abriendo Puertas(敞开的门) is a 10-session curriculum that promotes school readiness, 家庭幸福, 并通过讨论大脑发育的最佳实践来进行宣传, 儿童早期发展的关键方面, 早期读写能力, 早期的数学, 积极使用技术, 公民参与, 父母的领导, 目标设定, 为家庭的成功做计划.



捆扎大使申请现已开放! 在为社区服务的同时成为学生领袖! 


捆扎’s mission is to increase the high school and college retention and graduation rates of Latino and other 学生 in New Mexico while smoothing the transition process from one level of the education pipeline to the next.

教育系统是培养人才的吗, 建立领导力,改变社区, 反映新墨西哥州历史的学校, narratives and aspirations and educators who use diversity to cultivate New Mexico’s human capital.


  • 为教育系统变革创造催化剂和模式
  • Strengthen partnerships between higher education and local 社区 in ways that increase parental and community involvement.
  • Eliminate barriers that inhibit student success at transition points along the pathway to college.
  • Facilitate the expansion and sustainability of successful programs through strategic planning, 网络, 领导力发展, 政策参与.
  • Integrate key stakeholders through information and models that stimulate changes in policies and practices related to the education of all underserved 学生.

捆扎 & 公共政策

Our partners live and work in every senate and representative district in New Mexico. 捆扎合作是一个多元化的大学群体, 社区学院, 公立学区, 企业, 非营利组织, 政府机构, 学生, 家庭和社区成员. The principles that we promote unify us, our partners and our 社区. 捆扎 stakeholders believe that by working collaboratively with our elected officials, we can promote policy that enables us to provide educational opportunities and support for 学生 throughout the State of New Mexico.


电话: (505) 566-3876

3401 E. 30日圣. 

m - f8a.m - 5 p.m